Bill Murray travels minor league baseball stadiums to push new movie ideas and projects of a Slapshot redeux

Nick Dumbjilio
  Bill Murray loves baseball more that motor oil and Bill has been traveling all over small towns catching lame games leftfield and right field. Bill Murray was in Charleston and rumor has it that Mr Murray is putting forth an movie idea about a midget playing baseball and being this unbelievable hitting and waking specialist with little slap hits. As a fan of the seventies classic move Slapshot, Mr Murray seeks to use that name and the team of the Charleston Chiefs in the movie though it is doubtful that Bill Murray at his age would play the midget phenomena. slapshot was a classic ice hockey movie and it would be a shame if this Hollywood movie name is ruined by a reincarnation of a bad old geriatric Bill Murray movie in the coming years. God lets hope not. I would rather see Bill Murray done black face and play a role in a flick about Ronnie "Woo Woo" Wickers.
Look for Murray to either play the agent or manager of this midget character and Bill Murray movie roles have been disappearing and he is looking for a last hurrah somehow in a movie. Many of Bill Murray's movies in his later years have really sucked ass and it is unlikely this rumored midget ball playing movie will make a splash as well. Comedies have tanked for years and Hollywood is having a terrible year as movie audiences get tired and are hopefully rejecting the steady stream of super hero and rehashed movies being offered by this rotten industry.
In fact, it sounds as stupid as that Japanese movie Bill Murray did some time back which was so boring and filled with dozens of scenes of Bill Murray in an elevator. i think this is when this Chicago-area clown career started to tank and he jumped the left shark. Bill Murray is an old jackass living off decades of fame through a few hits like Caddyshack and Stripes and this man hasn't done anything worthwhile in movies since 1988. it seems that all Bull Murray does is watch baseball games and apparently  the old owl is tired of top tier major league game and now gets his kicks on route 66 watching kidball. A midget movie is only natural for a man like Bill Murray and his natural dumb-face routine that incrediblely  had transpired into a successful movie career before 1988. Now basically Bill Murray has tunrned into a attention seeking attention deficit minded individual and a rich poor mans Andy the Clown and Ronnie "Woo Woo " Wickers

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