Dan Carlin predicts a civil war and wonders the result and to do with loser

Ned Baily
   Famed history pod caster Dan Carlin was another name added to the ever growing fearful annalists that America is drifting towards a civil war. Dan came on his show to give his views of the growing divide in America as it resembles a time period in the 1840's and Dan was shocked to see the violent protests in Virginia earlier in the month and saw it as further proof America is spiraling out of control and headed towards self-destruction.
Dan carlin always sees the present form looking at the past and his ideas that the division this country faces has been seen in many other nations is a fear that Dan Carlin has and doesn't hope for this nation to follow Czarist Russian in 1917 and Spain in 1936 and the disturbing pictures Carlin sees with Nazis and communists battling in the streets is reminisce of Weimer Republic in Germany. Dan feels that through this chaos that the people will be eventually begging for an authoritarian  figure to come in and scoop all democratically institutions and prevent any protest or public gathering anytime. Dan Carlin knows the fascists and anti-fascists are in cahoots to establish lines and to put people into groups pitting people against one another and this is the goal for the war profiteers that can easily do to America with what was done in Syria. The irrevocable differences and damage done from separate nations withen a nation will produce a second civil war which Dan says will not be a conventional war but resemble a guerrilla war and tactics as seen in the Philippines and elsewhere. Dan also brought back the late sixties where there were forty thousand bombings a year and he wondered how post 9/11 Americans would react to this situation in today's world and eventually the problem of what to do with the losers will become a reality for the winning side of the upcoming American civil war. Carlin says it is doubtful there will be statues this time in dedication for the losers and carlin doesn't realize the American civil war in 1865 would of gone on forever if the North didn't give major concessions for the White Southerners.

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