Caller Larry blasts Apples cult and new Ipone X on Tom Ashbrook's show as the slow replacement of people with Iphone robots communicating to one another progresses

Otto Jansen
   In The sprawling spaceship of  Apples new headquarters the lame Tim Cook unveiled an elite electronic gadget like no other. Tim Cook and Apple exist to dominate even further the world of consumption and the barrier of the new IphoneX passing the 1000 dollar mark is another example of a disgraceful conduct on part of the technocrats. A caller named Larry called the Tom Ashbrook program on WNPR and basically said Apple and electronics is the reason  for the mounting mass of debt being piled on like horse shit by global companies like Apple. Larry said his 120 dollar LG phone does enough and the reason the youth and students are in such massive debt is because of the scoundrels profiteer technocrats pushing products that are unaffordable and in a way Tim Cook and Steve Jobs are like crack pushers.
Apple is sticking it to the struggling middle class consumers wishing to believe that their debt allowances can purchase their brain and trick it into thinking they are members of the ruling nobility. people wish to think there is mobility and that they can somehow be discovered or eventually get the lucky numbers for the power ball but many are not willing to wait to purchase these products.
Caller Larry says Apple and their fragile junk made in China products are brainwashing material propped up by marketing and the massive debt of the federal reserve  printing a tremendous amount of greenbacks. they do this with full knowledge and expectation Apple will spend this amount on marketing and towards other favorable institutions of the economy.  Apple wants to get children when they are young to be addicted to these gadgets and phones as people were so into tobacco smoke back in the day and many nimrods are still.  Tom Ashbrook plays devils advocates and says that the Apple ZX will sell because of its exclusivity and high price and will give  elites and elite-wannabees the same tools and proof to their willingness to splurge just to show their arrogance and superiority.
I am surprised in reality there is not a smart phone the price of a Lamborghini or a Rolex and surely by inching the price of special releases for bad Apple products master mind jack fucker Tim Cook hopes to eventually reach that plateau for Apple.basically Tim Cook is another traitorous corporate shit faced American who uses technology to empower the Asiatic pie faces and helps these authoritarian Asian racists more power and wealth.
Tim Cook came out on a elaborate stae and these unveiling are very apocalyptic and neurotic. Tim says there is not a day or minute while in Apples cult that he doesn't think of Steve Jobs and Cook asked the packed audience in Apples headquarters to bow their heads for ten minutes of silence while reflecting of Steve Jobs and all he has brought into the world. it is unfortunate Mr Jobs died and the reptilian couldn't be around to unveil this 1000 dollar piece of shit Iphone X series that wills can peoples faces and eventually this phone and future Iphones may just skip the middle man and eventually evolve into actual mobile phones and robots of various   and will replace all humans including the arrogant and dreadful Chinese.

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