Ugly Black ESPN sports anchor trolls Donald Trump to further her career

Cecil Brewster
   An ugly nobody on ESPN black token and black  face Jemelle Hill has gotten much more than her fifteen minutes of fame. Liberal ESPN shoves and pushes black faces and this monopolistic cable channel has yet to fire the racist and politically charge and divisive comment  by some nappy headed whore. But ugly Jemille Hill and black women are particular the reason many black men of wealth shun their own women and this woman trolled successfully the White House and Donald trump. President Trump at first tried to ignore this fuck face Jemell Hill but eventually he hammered back at this black bat for calling him a white supremacist. the antagonism of black fucks like Jemell Hill can only lead more white people into the arms of white supremacists and the reason there is segregation is because of black thuggery and arrogance that has risen like no other movement.  tweeted on twitter  a few days back.
Jemelle hill is a rotten wench who back int he day would of be punished for her stupid comments and put back onto the fields. ESPN executives better start getting worried as their propaganda work hiding under sports can be shut easily down by the billionaire owners not wanting to see further strife in society added by comments of sportscaster like this ape face.
Jemma is a nobody and a token member of ESPN which for too long as dominated television network sports and this network,j has needed a politically charged boycott and withdrawal of subscribers for along time. if more of their black anchors are going to start acting like Colin Kapernick then more funding and withdrawal of televised production of this network should eventually be conducted by most of america. this woman is  such a racist and hates Trump becaue he is a proud White American running country for White middle class and that a pro global open borders Obama monkey is no longer leading the country.

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