Eric Zorn goes nuts and full out attacking tax breaks for wealthy to watch college football

Guy Baldwin
     Syndicated columnist Eric Zorn brought did some good journalism for a change and brought up the tax laws scam where really wealthy people or corporations can purchase expensive college football field and skybox seats an then basically write off ninety percent of the cost as contribute charities on their taxable incomes to the IRS. Zorn wondered why the public is not more informed that their fellow citizens are given subsidies on gameday and expensive seats given the money they already possess and ability to get free tickets and their money back on their taxes from claiming purchase of big time college football games are given allowances through these loopholes. The redirection of federal dollars into lowering the costs of wealthy people to attend sporting events that are already over-priced is a God dam scandal.
Chicago tribe col ad radio legend Eric Zorn came on his program and basically blasted college sports and how the continue to spend and to be so expensive to begin wit as their infrastructure and bureaucracy are all unnecessary  They were able to get away with this since 1988 when congress allowed a code specifically for donations of higher learning and making it up to eighty percent tax deductible and as Zorn pints out this didn't mean get ticket subsidies fro those individuals willing to purchase  4000 dollar season passes in sky boxes.
Zorn quoted Illinois law professor John  Colombo of this egregious tax exemption and how corporate jackasses from mainly the South and Midwest have used this and government tax subsidy 170 exemption from 1988 effectively so they can out-price other causal fans and students and get these choice seating and skybox viewing all in the name of lowering their tax rates.

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