Finally Dinesh D'Souza appears on Mark Steyn's guest spot to talk about leftist fascists and dangers posed by Bernie brother socialist bums

Ed West
   I happened to catch a fine interview of Mark Steyn filling in for Rush Limbaugh where he had the great conservative speaker and social critic Dinesh D"Souza on hos program. Dinesh was talking about the recent Charlottsville,Virginia confrontation and how the left fascists posing as anti-fascists are trying to prevent Americans from having the right and freedom of expression and assemble. The left have long enforced a policy of terror on the nations campuses towards those who do not share the progressive vision and anyone who disagrees on campus faces physical intimidation and threats to property and are no longer just branded and called Nazis.There is no threat from the far-right as Mark Steyn pointed out as the youth have so brilliantly been brain-washed politically on the campuses of America that organized anarchism against others free speech rights of others is the goal of the disgruntled left feeling like they are losing.
These antifa fascists are often o unemployed and yet college degree losers of society whose own activism and eccentric behaviors prevents them from having areal job and having to take authority and orders from others and this is often why they hate capitalism so much according to Steyn.   They especially hate to see patriot displays of organized support for the police or protest for protection of statues and monuments of war heroes both Union and Confederate as they were both Americans and the eventual goal of these fascists is to bring down all America statues and replace them with new Communist heroes of their wish.
   Dinesh D'Souza was  promoting a new book looking at this new brand of fascism from the far radical left anitifa which is often made up of nefarious property damaging seeking punks sometimes refereed to the black bloc. these assholes were seen in Chicago's NATO assembly beating up peaceful progressive protesters and battling the police as I happened to film many of them and the talk of arsoning the city during this protest. D'Souza and Steyn concluded that Antifa needs to be really scrutinized and labeled as a terrorist organization and monitored heavily as the Southern law Poverty center monitors any patriotic group pro-American subsidy and labels them as a hate group.

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