Ha Joon Chang goes nuts at prospect of new trade rules and Trump attack on South Korea unfair trade deals

Gino Frobel
   British and Korean globalist professor Ha Joon Chang expressed shock and awe at the idea that A,Erica's new president would go after his native and beloved South Korea. President Trump is initiating a review and possible ending of KORUS trade agreements with South Koreans that have caused a steady loss of manufacturing jobs in this country to flow out and steadily allowed South Korean firms to export electronics and other gadgets into the United states and created an incredible flow of wealth in one direction through the past two decades.  Ha Joon Chang has given many speeches and lectures in the part and at Cambridge University about how the West puts strain on developing countries and waging economic pressures on emerging markets and economies. Chang talked much of how South Korea protected its industries from imports allowing it to zoom past African nations in terms of prosperity and wealth and now that the Trump admits ration is talking about.
Protecting jobs and factories in America and for real Americans to benefit and prosper Ha Joon is changing a tune. Ha Joo join  in blasting Trumps idea to now renegotiate trade pacts with our Asian allies as all it did was cereals prosperity for a small class of Korean middlemen and give advantages to new Americans  no from South Korea into America. Now that Trump wants protective measures and prevent companies and capital fleeing aboard and then selling their product for mass profit back to the mother land Ha Joon Chang is crying boo hoo  joo. The South Korean trade pact was as awful and egregious deals  as was NAFTA and all trade deals with China, not ironically dealt with by democratic presidents and a Democratically controlled congress.
As of gives ,ore power and advantages to Asians to come to America and out their profits to work buying up this country and pricing out America  who don't have advantageous family connections of using two governments. Basically Ha Joon Chang's people prevent Americas companies from importing and selling into South Korea and bringing profits back to us through unfair regulations and unfair policies that prevent access to the South Korean middle class market.
The imbalances really extend and are obvious in the car markets where Korean cars far outsell what American manufactures can even be given opportunities to make inroads in Seoul. Ha Joon and other business leaders who together work with Korean business to maintain this Korean trade supremacy are pushing given ers and congress to pressure Trump not to with draw but his needs to be done and is the major step of American workers in gaining leverage again and equality against the nefarious economic forces acting and treating the nationals a virtual colony to extract wealth and Ha Jew Chang knows this very well.ha Chang is a developing economist and should realize there are steps a developing country must take in order not to regress into a country that needs to redevelop.

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