Turkish president Recep Tayipp Erdogan is a guarder of Turkish thuggery and in May he brought a security detail into America and they were met by protesters. Recep Erdogan's guards beat the shit out of these protesters exposing the brutality of his regime against dissenters on American soil and one imagines the leeway these son of a pigs are given to crack heads and use whips in Recep's native Turkey. Recep Erdogan is one of the worlds most evil dictators and like Kim Jong Un this guy may some day in the future decide to acquire nuclear weapons. Nineteen counts of indictments went down against his security team who can be seen in these videos of brutally beating these protesters and breaking through police lines thinking they were back in Ankara and not in Washington DC. This brawl after Recep Erdogan's presidential visit in May is showing more and more why this erratic and malefic

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