Indian towel-heads and junk crap store owners aligning with big soda to fight Toni Preckwinkels sugar tax

Dwight Dwyer
   Nasty Indian store owners and their crap convenient stores they dominate in the hood are vociferously fighting Cook County Board president Toni Preckwinkle's determined sugar tax initiated to stop this pushing of junk products making so many Americans fat and obese. Ms Preckwinkel has seen how these Hindu dominated stores drain opportunities sand offer nothing but junk for inner-city black and Latino residents and the neo-liberalism and libertarian forces are fighting desperately to repeal this sugar tax. Big Soda and their subsidies of crappy mart stores primarily owned by a small minority in America of towel-headed corrupt asshole from the Middle East are seeing their and asset ownership mart scams in jeopardy and political forces are going on the attack to end the pushing of cigarettes, sodium chips  and soda onto the resident of inner cities.
Local government kowtow for these Indians instead of allowing competition and possible greener marts of fresh fruits and vegetables stores to be owned and operated by Black Americans instead of Muslim and cow-humping Indians. These immigrants offer nothing of value or nutritional in their dilapidated stores and the entitlement of these Indian and Lebanese shop keepers to continue selling soda without the rights of government to regulate and tax the fuck out of this sugar candy that is detrimental to ones health is something these brown folks can't understand.
The dominance of local economies by the junk and crap sellers in communities is a deliberate plot to keep areas ghettoized and deny opportunities for American-born individuals to prosper form low-interest rates and from partaking in the banking bonanza and are instead given to foreigners who make money and live off loans never intended to pay back than from actual sales of chips, soda, liquor, stale bread etc etc. these stores existence and location on prime streets is disgraceful and appalling and they lie to the public saying a one cent per ounce tax is an attack on working class individuals. he corrupt nature of the Indian business class and allowances given to them to run few and selected business establishment sin food deserts offering sodium and salt instead of actual important nutritional product for the b rain is a stain on our government. Perhaps if the working poor are so hard pressed in life drinking water instead of three cans of sugar can should be enforced upon them and get obesity and sick rates down dramatically in the inner cities of America. Indians gobble up these businesses because many are arrogant wishing not to work for others so they pool their money and force relatives to work for free in order to make a profit and buy up more of junk marts.
These stores offer no fresh fruits and vegetables aside form token baskets in the front and they survive primarily form the big soda industry which is funding all the  commercials and campaigns fighting ms Preckwinkles necessary soda tax to ween people off the addiction of a unhealthy product

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