Rod Blagojevich endorses JB Pritzker for Governor of Illinois after years of thousands of dollars contributed towards his political career and JB Hogg considers a potential run against Donald Trump in 2020

Terry Blue
 Illinois is a rotten blue state run by mostly the banking billionaire class and now a coupe of egregious candidates and buck bastards seek to become the next governor and replace the current hedge fund billionaire in office. JB " Boss Hogg" Pritzker on paper and in mirror would never stand  a chance to win country dog catcher and commissioner yet alone the highest office in the corrupt internationalist state in America/ J B Pritzker back in the day gave former Illinois govoner Rod Blagojevich millions of dollars in campaign contributions and a JB Pritzker and his moneytary influence in politics is primarily responsible for the massive inequality the nations faces as their money helped pave the way.
Jb received the endorsement of disgraced and still imprisoned Rod Blagojevich who gave his endorsement to Boss Hogg Pritzker over Son of Robert Kennedy who is running against Pritzker in the corrupt Democratic primary in Illinois. Illinois is so sickly  corrupt that usually who has the most money buys their way to office and Rod Blagojevich basically was governor  because of this fact and he fondly recalsl the amount of money this pig face Pritzker gave to his campaign. of was able to purchase an expensive foreign imported hot rod thanks to the contributions and subsidies the plutocratic class and the pritzker's had given for  him in forms of presents.
Mr Pritzker looks like across between JD Hogg and Bae Ruth and he looks a hundred percent asshole. he would essentially be a rich mans Rod Blagojevich and serve the interests of the top top .ooooo1 percent in Illinois should this fuck as actually be able to use his money to buy his way into the Governors mansion. As always stated here on this blog rich peoples money, greed and lust for power is the only reason for their success in politics and why we need a high tax rate and massive confiscation or filthy wealth to prevent having jackass leaders like JB Pritzker, Bruce Rauner, or Chris Kennedy in office representing the people when all in fact they represent the interests of super wealthy individuals in business.

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