Jesse Ventura bashes Donald Trump and says he is considering to challenge him in 2020

Bradly Austin
   Former pro wrestler and disgraceful Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura has a big mouth and feels his voice commands more authority and respect than others. Jesse Ventura went after his former friend president Donald Trump because republicans and Trump want to reverse Hussein Obama's illegal executive order that attempted to give citizenship for children of foreigners brought into this lawless and unprotected borders when Democratic national leadership prevailed in the oval office. Jesse Venture says DACA protects these assimilated children of illegals.
Jesse says because these mainly Mexican and Central american children grew up in America they should automatically be given citizenship but many say these children as non-citizens should pay back state,local, and federal governments for the expense allocated for rearing their asses in America when in fact they should of been in their native countries. In reality, this is another bill the United states needs to give to leaders and government of Mexico.
If anything these DACA children should take their skills and experience gained through free rides and our excellent and costly educational system and work back at helping curb the cycle of poverty and criminal activity that has plagued Mexico and caused so much death,misery, and poverty in this country as Europe and america has drained and taken much of the entrepreneur class of this country and have taken at least half of the taquerias and Mexican restaurants that should be in Mexico now and not producing more heat for the planet  burning unnecessary oil and shipping avocados and other Mexican preferred foods for Mexican expats in America.
Those that profit form continued migration of people and food wish to have this system anemia in place and Jesse being a resident of mexico is clearly profiting form shipping something in America if not just his stupidity through alternative media. Jesse Ventura is working closely witht eh new Spanish empire throughout Latinstan and he will likely announce a challenge to former friend Donald Trump sometime right before the 2020 election we predict. trump is not scared of this former fake news wrestler nor is he or his base intimidated by a rejuvenated Spanish Americas empire based in both mexico and Argentina trying desperately to keep the smuggling of products heading North and using proceeds to fund the likes of the shits like Jesse Ventura to have a political voice through media.

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