Charles Lipson again appears on Milt Rosenberg's podcast and says we all need to worry about North Korea

Peter Patel
    Charles Lipson is a University of Chicago professor and he is like the only guest ninty nine year old social critic podcast legend Milt Rosenberg is able to bring about on his program. The two former of University of Chicago legends discuss North Korea and how the liberal infrastructure media complex is defending and attempting to make Kim Jung Un some hero and anti-Trump. Milt says if the mainstream left-wing liberal media had focused as much on North Korea past regressions and oppression of its own people instead of the war of words between Trump and Kim then the american public would realize the extreme situation we are in at these perilous times. Kim Jung Un and his constant nuclear and hydrogen testing may be in fact the principle reason for increased weather erratic and warming of the globe.
Professor Lipson meanwhile insist there are many liberals in public and the media (such as Stephanie  Miller and Thom "hitman" Hartmann" ) who actually are rooting and defending this insane cucklod Korean dictator whio is both scare dof his own shadow and his relatives. Kim Jung even supposedly had executed a man who he personally ordered to kill Kim Jung's shadow and he was unable to obviously ahhh get the job done. Lipson says that the rogue North Korean state is of imaginable horror only found in science fiction books and that their ballistic missile and warhead miniaturization programs are meant to go and blow up other countries nuclear reactors and that a preemptive strike again the Jung Un family network of terror in the North of Korea was overdue two decades ago.
Milt Rosenberg said that both the Clinton and Obama regime worked with China in developing and protecting North Korea ability to increase their power and scientific know how in order to gain leverage and extort power through these special interests.  Both Lipson and Rosenberg said the open border madness of the United States probably has already allowed many North Korean spies access to important knowledge and files withen this country an d that there are likely North Koreans among us as they speak on the streets ahhh talking to guys like Dennis Rodman. it would not be surprising if Black Lives matter and antifa movements are funded by both North Korea and Chinese money. 

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