Mojo Harris had a rare copacetic moment on Hogans Heroes and nearly stole the scenes and episode of Hogan's birthday

Lonnie Yeager
   I love watching Hogan's heroes and other old programs of the sixties and in our office we have a Foxconn flatscreen showing Hogans heroes 24 7 a day. Hogans heroes is an odd comedy about a prisoner of war camp that actually is a base of allied saboteurs behind German lines The big three of the show often are reguarded as  the bumbling camp commandant Colonel Klink (portrayed by actor Wilhem Klein) ,  fat goofy guard leader Sergeant Schulz (played by John Banner) and background extra Mop man played by famed African-America extra actor Mojo Harris Harris. Mojo had no lines but a few close ups and hundreds of background shots mainly behind American actor Bob crane whom some other major fans of this sixties program would consider part of the big three.
However, Mojo Harris and his antics made this program and I remember driving my dad nuts asking why this american GI in the background didn't have more lines or ever fucking spoke. Television extras are always odd in the america  sitcoms that dominated television screens form the fifties to nineties before their eventual replacement by cheaper and lamer reality television programming that we see now dominate the airwaves as it is cheaper for the networks not to have so many highly paid actors and writing staff.
   The Hogans heroes extra Mojo Harris likely was paid more than many of today's reality television stars of cook shows who in fact pay the networks for their programs instead of the other way around. Mojo was angered by the fact he could never actually have a speaking role and after four years as an extra he was starting to get an attitude and his facial expressions and over exaggerated feelings was a reflection of his frustration not being able to join Colon Hogan and his heroes as one of the characters of the program.

In season four episode of Hogan's birthday where they hold a birthday party to distract German guards Mojo was at his best rising on his toes to be seen and demanding the attention he so long deserved. the great thing about Mojo in his background extra roles on hogans heroes is that he always felt like he fucking belonged to be there. Mojo didn't do much in this Colonel Hogan's birthday episode aside form filling space in the background and rising upon the right shoulder of Bob Crane giving the impression that ]he was enjoying a rare copacetic moment as a prisoner of war camp.

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