Gunnar Gudmundson arrested for going 120 miles per hour and is considered for a job at Adopt a Beast blog

Randolph Perkins IV
   A former Libertyville cop was speeding the shit out of his little fast bike not too long ago and was busted as he tried to elude and run  down a lake County deputy chasing this sorry son of a bitches ass. There is no bigger threat posed to motorists on the nations freeways than these punks on speed bikes on the streets and I have often seen many entitled mainly Mediterranean looking fucks riding well in access of a hundred or two hundred miles per hour. Gunnar was gunning the shit out of the deputies radar the other day in Lake County and he must of been more shocked than  a slaughtered cow part when he looked back and saw a cop actually chase after him.Image result for gunnar gudmundson cop speeding chicago area many of the Left shark writers though are defending this turkey and have suggested we hire this prick because he has a cool sounding name. Gunnar was clocked at an incredible 127 miles per hour on rout 137 and Bell lane in Gurnee ,Illinois and then he attempted a U turn nearly smashing into the police patrol car that finally was doing its job and going after these fast and the furious assholes addicted to machines and speed jeopardizing all that share its streets. Gunnar though is of no relation to famed Icelandic hunter Gunnar Gudmundsson whose may pictures of him hunting rare Gonati reindeer have made him the most hated man in Iceland. Whether this former Lake County law enforcement officers rebounds as a writer for the Adopt a beast crazy Cougar blog is yet to be known but I will interview him in a couple of days.

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