Ugly transvestite shot dead by police at Georgia Tech University

Earl " Bam Bam " Cunningham
   A little snowflake activist specialist of the liberal progressive army was shot down refusing to follow police orders and making a threatening move towards a police armed with a revolver. Scott Schulz, who we will call Sandy, was walking around the downtown campus of Georgia tech University in Atlanta acting very much like the deranged individuals these trans gendered freaks usually are in their brain stems. Police were called upon the scene by the public confused why this she male looking individual was openly displaying a knife and acting mentally eccentric and neurotic to passer bys. Police shot the sucka dead and went bammmm when the trans gendered bending fuck head made a move towards the police and this shows society that police will shoot an armed citizen when they refuse to follow police procedures and protocol regardless of color and sex.
 Scout Schulz will not be missed much in this community and he was one of many delicate but dedicated LBGT members in Atlanta often needing an identity to feel some sort of recognition as a human being. Poor Scout man didn't know what he was and often tried to portray himself as a woman but the bump in her yoga pants obviously let the world know what a pervert freak this piece of shit was in reality. the fact that she would end his life by suicide by cop was an intended deliberate plot by this jag fag wishing to create his final act into another social warrior cause this fuck head dedicated his life to be an agitating prick who wish he didn't have one attached.

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