Dawn Rushton and Jamie Black beat the shit out of Larry frost ,Jerry Palmer, and Charlie Sheen using backpage.com site

Woody Underwood
   Two of our staff writers and one former Hollywood TV star have been beaten and robbed severely by South Bend's Dawn Rushton and her fellow heroin addicted boyfriend Jamie Black. The number of writers at this blog that have been robbed by the girl numbers four as the girl on  on Backpage known as Haily and in the past using the name Tinker Bell continues their beatings and robbery using internet sites. another encounter can be found here...http://scumbagged.com/2017/08/25/backpage-escort-hailey-south-bend-indiana/
This past week two of our writers named Larry Frost and Jerry Palmer have been attacked by thius couple and the dynamic dual at 914 Roberts St in South bend ,Indiana have also robbed and beat actor Charlie Sheen.
Charlie had made a small jet trip to the South Bend area after being set up by a pal knowing full well this heroin addicted girl and her crazed boyfriend make a hobby of placing ads and robbing people. if people don't believe me make a appointment and be prepared for fireworks. these two have bragged about bagging fifty men out of their money and bamboozling them and after last weeks attacks on larry frost and Jerry PPalmer the nuber of our staff members swindled by Dawn and Jamie Black now numbers four. There are several internet postings and warnings form johns and Haily's fellow escorts warning these idiots of the habit of jumping johns of their Benjamins without the expected service form this heroind little honey bunny slut Dawn Rushton. Somebody needs to get this girl and give her several bad spankings.
Haily and her boyfriend provide a unique service whee ahhh one can set up a friend with a practical joke or ahhh have the thril of being robbed and nearly beaten with a hammer ina strange house. Charlie Sheen was so embittered and angry he promised revenge somehow and says he will never venture out of Ventura Boulevard for a whore and never stop in the South Bend area. As far our writers we have far too many indulging in backpage.com and Escortpost.com sites and they need to stop spreading the news and telling others which ones to use horrible Haily's electrifying service.

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