Luis Gutierrez demands money form Puerto Ricans for hurricane wrecked island and blames Donald Trump and AI God quamjo for attack

Wally Jackson
   Luis Gutierrez seeks to profit and fund his presidential campaign in 2020 challenging Donald Trump for president and he seeks to get a hold of tons of hurricane relief money for himself. meeting in a dark and dingy basement the controversial and extorting congressman form Chicago is a big backer for sanctuary cities and if Luis Gutierrez had his way the three million Puerto Rican citizens would be able to vote in all fifty states of the union especially in big elections. Luis says Puerto Ricans need money and thet people should entrust him as leader of Chicago's sanctuary Latino city with all funds and proceeds and he will see to it where it goes as fit.
Luis Gutierrez was just arrested last week protesting president trump's DACA rescinding of a executive order made by former occupied president Barack Obama Hussein. Luis Gutierrez is so angry and pissed off at Trumps reversal to give a million of these illegal kids citizenship that he has vowed revenge and promised to challenge him for president of the United States.
Luis Gutierrez would have problems getting elected Governor of Puerto Rico though and the challenges this broke ass territory of the united States faces is astronomical now after yet another hurricane totally devastated the island. Clearly a creep like Luis Gutierrez is glad to be away form his native island but there he was in that dark and dingy Humboldt park basement in Chicago telling Puerto Ricans that they must now show their pride and love for this island that is always broke. Luis Gutierrez has always bee na  prick always will be a little prick and is still a prick often charging his little mouth chastising republicans for not opening the borders and letting all Latin america in this country and having tax payers pay for these people to live in the most inhospitable parts  of the Sea. This roach has been such a ass it is possible the AI God Quamjo decided that Luis and the island of Puerto Rico are annoying fucks and that programming a timely fourth hurricane to hit these shit heads was good policy

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