Andy Waraski and Chen bash professor Mike Issacson of John jay Collge and his appearenc eon Tucker carslon's program

Ed West
   Antifa radical ass economics professsor named Mke Issacson appeared with his giraffe neck on Tucker Carslon program and two of Youtubes biggest reaction artists decided to dissect this silly ass son of a bitches appearence on Youtube. Professor Isaacson was appearing to defend his tweet responding to how it wa slike being a hard core fascist leftiest cop hater to be teaching at a criminal justice university
.Mr Issacson had stretched his neck abit to determine a good answer was that it felt great looking at a bunch of future dead cops as ahhh he taught his economics classes at John Jay. Issacson had also told TV show host Tucker Carlson that premeditated violence against those his organization determined had a bad message is justified. Andy Waraski and Chen blasted this fucking asshole as an idiot and for who he felt had the power to determine shose speech was allowed.
Waraski and Chen said this idiot professor justified violence against people who have a different message than his left-wing progressive radical group. Waraski and Chen bashed this stupid professor who has been suspended but has yet to be fired for his comments enjoying the thought of his students being slayed on the street patrolling cities. Andy and Chen also wondered how this peice of shit leftiest scumbag even received an adjunct professor gig in the first place at John Jay University. The criminal justice law university would seem an odd place for antifa followers get teaching jobs. The two Youtube sensation video reactors praised Tucker Carlson for exposing this hyopcrital clown and wondered how many black cocks this guy has had down his throat in order it to achieve that level of length. Warski also mocked this cry baby talking about the threats he has received since his inflammatory anti cop tweet as many people offered to fix his long neck issues by breaking it to peices

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