Jason Keck faces pressure for having a shitty smoke shop in Manitowoc

Ramon Ramos
  In rural upstate backwater Manitowoc,wi a smoke shop owner is feeling harassed by authorities and is feeling pressure. Big Jays owner Jason Keck says the level of harassment by police into his Main Street smoke shop has been appalling as all he wants to do is spread an unhealthy tobacco product and profit from selling drug parnafilia. Keck says that the police chief himself came in and told him he will get fined for every piece he has and that his pipes and glass smoke objects are for smoking legal shit and not pot.

The police are not buying this and basically want this shit shop done with and all smoke shops should face this level of scrutiny and inspection for the marijuana promoting products it wishes to sell and spread into youth culture. Kudos to this police force in Manitowoc and this sack of human excrement Jason Keck is having a fit. He says ninty five percent of his business is dip laying these smoke items and in reality if  it is all one sell perhaps your pathetic business should not be in a downtown and pushing a nasty habit this country has been campaigning to lessen in society. Shit faces like business owners like Jason Keckmwish to continue pushing smoking and inhaling of dangerous and unhealthy Chemicals and a business like Mr Keck's Bug Jays should never of been allowed to open in the first place, Mr Keck and owners such should face fines all ofmthetime for their sales and pushing opening up these shit business establishments and at the idea of smoking is acceptable in 2017. Manitowoc should shut this store down and subsidies given for fresh markets and green corner grocers of  slamm statue be allowed in these public spaces offering healthy products good for the human body. Jason Keck should be sitting Ina Mnitowoc County jail next to Steven Avery right now.

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