Tyler tries to impress buxom blonde by telling her of Howard Stern's coffee and bedroom problems

Gus Perkowski
  I was on call battling bus in the Rockford, Illinois area and decided to take a rest spot and coffee and Internet time in one of the fine Meg's Daily Coffee. A guy named alter was talking about coffee and how famed satellite radio host Howard Sten has never made a cup of coffee according g to hisgolddigger trophy wife Beth Otrasky. Beth told some entertainment writers recently that talk radio legend and shock jock inventor Howard Sten had only Howard Stern story on learning coffe would impress this woman but it most probably didn't.
I recall a time I asked a librarian about a Howars Stern book and she didn't even know who he was and few have lost interest in Howard Stern. Perhaps Howard should take all this money from Sirus and start up a coffee chain as and investor with his mug on it. Howard also needs his daily coffee because he has a problem taking a shit in his toliet sometimes sitting there for hours reading the paper sunday funnies and Mutts comics. Why Beth Stern  woud think it is so unusual for an entitled big mouth blabber who ran a radio show not knowing how to make coffee is hilarious. This joker likely had gophers running around making it and bringing it in for him as he prepared for his crucial interviews with strippersporn stars, hustlers, lesbians, and pimps. As far as Tyler goes he didn't get to be a player or pimp as is woman quickly left the conversation at Meg's daily grind coffeehouse as she could tell he was a lame wimp.
recently learned to drink good fucking coffee. As I searched thus non-story up on tge Web  after hearing moronic Taylor hit on a woman with a Howard Stern coffee table chat, I wondered how this was even a news story. It appears that Howard Stern is so oblivious in today's news world that his wife felt story for him and put out a story if Howars inability to make coffee. Was coffee as other term for Mr Sterns inability in other areas of the household. One must ask that and one has to wonder if the often horny Howard Stern has lost his mojo Harris. Stern can be up in an actual satellite being the first man to broadcast a show in space for a all and people wouldn't care it wa fake news or not. Howard Stern has become irrelevant these days and how he is able to bamboozle Siris Fm for that amount of money is fucking  amazing as he has become just some talking point for a neardewell like Tyler that hang around Rockford , Illinois coffee houses.

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