Sean Hannitty has three beautiful blondes in to discuss ESPN ugly black woman Jemelle hill angering Dave Zirin and Chalrlie May

Jerry Palmer
  Fox News host Sean Hannitty was quick to jump on the Jemelle Hill news story of her tweeting that our president is a white supremacist. In the mind and world view of this ugly black woman all white people are white supremacists for their mere sucess and existence and Sean Hannitty decided to troll Jemelle and other black wanabees like political agitator writer Dave Zirin. Zirin mocked the fact that Sean Hannitty had three bourgeois blonde woman on his Fox TV program to discuss the comments of Jemelle Hill.
Hannitty had Tomi Lahren  along with psychologist Danielle McLaughlin and Gina Gouden and it appears this angered both Zirin and Salon writer Charlie May. They are two men that just can't come to grips that whit
e lined woman's are beautiful at a certain age and basically the ahhh Jemelle Hills are basically ape women. Dave Zirin took to his podcast and lasted all of this criticism of this brave woman who the piece f shit Zirin respects so much.,likewise Chalrie May couldn't believe the audacity f Sean Hn itty having three white womento discuss the obvious raism of this sports anchor on is increasingly political and racial sports network monopoly that is ESPN and Omi Lahren really ripped this ugly black bitch a new asshole. Jemelle Hill has no talent for gab and speak and no business on ESPN and for th network to fail in firing this racist and giving her credence and allowances to say such things is reason enoug for people to start turning off ESPN or contacting its advertisers questioning why are they subsidizing this network as such. Dave Zirin just can't cope with seeing right wing exist and push back at the racial identity play of his black people using sports as a vehicle to spread their propaganda and lies. In Jemelle Hill's case it was also to spread her racism and Sean Hannitty's panel tried to get into the skull of this woman and examine why should would make such a commet feeling the need to say such inflammatory fake news. It is because progressives are frustrated that they no longer have one of war own and at they feel no longer in power especially black people who hold hard views such as Jemelle. People like her have no place in sports broadcasting and she should be taken to task along with Charlie May at Slin and fuck face Dave Zirin. A good shout out to Hannitty for being on the ball and anytime someone posses Dave Ziron off it is a good day.

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