Morgan Freeman attacks Russia and is now being attacked by Vladimir Putin's troll farm as Morgan considers a presidential run against Donald Trump

Sebastian  Salvador
   Famed Hollywood elite and insider Morgan freeman has starred in some two thousand movies often using high incomes form past films to pay his way into other projects. Morgan Freeman also has been an old loudmouth on politics  when  not making seven films a year. Recently the geriatric son of a bullfrog made a two minute video with the same usual attack of Russian influence on US elections and he bashed Vladimir Putin in this video for having some incredible ego boost. Morgan also demanded president rump do more to investigate this and demand answers as to why Russians would generally do what our american allies and Middle Eastern Gulf kingdoms have done as well and this is influence oneself in Americas elections.
In fact, Morgan Freeman should investigate the Hollywood industry and why he and fellow entertainers have consistently involved themselves sn the political arena using the tremendous scope of movie stars to back just one political party the majority of the time. If there has been one group that has worked much harder spending more dark dollars influencing american elections this has been Hollywood and leftist progressive Movie and media industry and for this old black jackass bad actor , who has been in more than his share of deserving movie roles, to say Russia can't use influence for their personal goals is total hypocrisy. Morgan says ther is a troll farm of paid hacks in russia and maybe they are working to counter the massive pro-global and NATO expansionist neo-liberal inequality spreading and land confiscation complex of the West with paid hacks form Hollywood giving such high incomes to insane gents like Robert DeNiro, Jimmy Kimmel,Tom Hanks,  Rosie O' Donnell, and Morgan Freeman himself.
Morgan Freeman is so cocky and such a jagoff jag fag that he may entertain himself with the idea that he can run for the highest political office in 2020. We hear form our sources that Morgan freeman may think about using his hoarded cash in the upcoming 2020 election as he has done in the past to somehow influence the election process and get the side he wishes to win. Freeman is a clown and can only be president in the movies and instead of Russia hacking U S elections it has been the Hollywood left and crazed music industry wing that hacked American culture and society with their drive to push blacks and racial equality acceptance through film and art and for those who object there is no free speech or thought to be spoken and expressed.
Morgan may decide real soon that what this nation needs is himself as president as the country needs some jackass old ugly actor that for some reason Hollywood allowed to star in so many movies and projects thorough the years. Freeman dhoukd be fortunate when there were others who could use the work and do the same easy job reading  lines and I still say these popular movie stars actually purchase their toles snd popularity for more movies. I meam should domw like him ne in so many dqm movies. Nothing special of this drool gool Morgan Feeeman. If it is Macedonian teens that helped Hillary Clinton lose and prevented another disastrous corrupt  neo-liberal and pro open-border global regime then the  teens need to be praise and hied by the state department and given immediate American citizenship.
Morgan Freeman is a jackass always will be an old jackass and always has been a black Hollywood jackass somehow thinking in conspiracies and that Russia employs a troll internet army and pays bored Macedonian teenagers to patrol and go on-line to attack progressive values and ideas when in fact it is likely Americans and Canadians tired of the technocracy pushing leftist agendas and values in society that contradict the morals and values taught to them for generations. if this Hollywood elite decided to run for president he would have about as much chance as going to Russia and challenging Vladimir Putin for the Russian presidency. Morgan freeman would get crushed by Donald trump in 2020 and in 2021 he can make another video blaming the Russian and Albanians for his defeat as people used a troll army to influence elections and prevent democrats form having their first woman and black president descendant from freemen and not Kenyan and Indonesian globalists who seduced a troll Kansas farm woman in the sixties.

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