Bill O' Reilly finally appears on Sean Hannitty's program to discuss NFL protest and liberals copying a page form their playbook

Alex Mousololopolous
  Far right and disgraced media hack Bill O'Reilly appeared on Sean Hannitty's radio program as well as his television stint on FOX News network and wild Bill had alot to say as usual. O'Reilly and Hannitty complained at the free speech rights of National Football league players to basically come out and say they think America sucks and this right to kneel during the playing of the anthem has touched a nerve to these two individuals. Hannitty and O' Reilly have stated that identity politics has now taken over the game they love and if continued it threatens the very social fabric of the nation and the cortopcracy long subsidizing and helping their fellow billionaires flourish.
O'Reilly talked  the mainstream media and what it represents but neither of these clowns talked about the free-market and global trade that does more than anything giving extra saved money to the advertising media complex competing  with one another and exacerbating divisions in the country. Neither of them will say this and only instead focus their rage to the other side of leftist politics and mainstream media backing of it for Hannitty and O'Reilly have profited so greatly form their early ventures into Right-Wing mainstream media outlets.
Hannitty went soft on his one time rival and asked nothing about the actual causes and sexual misconduct harassment that got the peice of turd fired to begin with. Bill is still able to write books and he was on this program promoting another one of his killing books. Bill O will continue to be a media hound and best selling author often letting protest unhinge him but inside his gut he is tearing them apart thinking that no longer having a media outlet to espouse his mouth for the nation is a dam personal attack and shame.

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