Nik Kovak and Kyle Kulinski outraged by massive resistance to spoiled NFL players and disrespect protest

Wally Jackson
   Kyle Kulinski  appeared on his secular talk while fellow son of a bitch Nik Kovk of River West radio  took to their radio shows this week and blasted the conservative response and push back against the National Football league for supporting n these protests. The owners all made statement sin support of their players and blasted president Donald Trump for blasting these players in a speech. Many NFL fans can't understand why these over-paid football players have taken to attack the country that allows them to make a millionaire living playing what is essentially a high school game. National Football League players should be compensated as much as High School players and the hijacking of the players and their use for protest has been successfully achieved pleasing pieces of shit like Dave Zirin along with these two fuck faces. These two jackasses were enraged by president trump's comments and calling these spoiled rotten over-paid athloetes son of a bitches which they truely are in life and sport.
Nik Kovak talked about how Trump supporters wish to stamp out player protest and threaten the livelihood of all national Football league players form having free speech as they have with Colin Kapernick. Kovak said that if the owners really wanted to send America and president Trump one of them should of re-employed Kapernik on their roster. Kulinski mocked Donald Trump and people upset that their beloved sport was being used to finally address a serious social issue of which these players have no control nor real facts.
Kulinski and Kovak are loving to see American pro football now used against patriotic Americans that often made up a huge proportion of their fan base. The attack on Americas anthem and song is a coordinated attack by globalists wishing to further degrade the nation state and especially the one nation that Democratically established the greatest nation and constitution conceived long emulated by many other countries and people. The fact that hugely successful dumb blacks making money playing a game would threaten their own financial fortunes to align themselves with dirty socialists is perhaps the most amazing fact of this story

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