Pencil dick John Oliver and steroid flattened Arnold Schwarzenegger speak up gerrymandering

Eric Ericson
  Foreigners like John Oliver and Arnold Schwarzenegger just do not get out electoral college system nor maps and districts drawn up every ten years. Both the British bastard late night TV propagandist Oliver fuckface and the aging Arnold Schwarzenegger have been on crusades to put into bad light gerrymandering and that maps must be created for political races. These two nimrods just don't get it and because Democrats live in urban corrupt cities and seem to have less color shades or territory on a map that somehow the  two imbeciles think our entire democracy and political system must be changed to fit their needs. these two globalist shits hate drawn up districts on maps because they hate borders in general and wish to see the world without one. The only border guards these two jag fags only wish to see are those for gated communities like these two mopes live in.
Now having been born in Europe, these two clowns are use to people automatically voting for one party and somehow John Oliver and Hollywood Schwarzenegger don't seem to understand and comprehend that voters are not binary. Any attack on gerrymandering assumes people are automatically and permanently in a voting category never to leave the political party forever. John Oliver seems to think people are born into a caste political party system and cannot move or change. Many people have as well moved into areas where political expression freedom of their core beliefs better meshes into the community and this phenomenon explains gerrymandering more than anything else these two bitches will whine about. Oliver assumes it is politicians drawing maps and their constituents to save their jobs and so forth but he assumes that people are not generally happy already where they live and who represents them and issues of money have more to do with endless reelections with incumbents winning than drawn maps to suit the desires of political big wigs. the same amount of money wasted into mainstream corporate television networks by advtersing and the executive monopolizes running large competencies also gets wasted in donations and campaighn money spent to the very same networks that put trash like John Oliver on Television and Arnold Schwarzenegger in politics and movies. If Oliver wants to see more blue drawn districts or equal representation then the Democrats need to start appealing to rural voters and not kowtow to the urban business sleader and illegal immigrants.

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