David Dborik worried about being deported and bashed president Trump considering a potential run against him

Leroy Yates
   David Dborik and Jason Nash came on their award winning podcast the other day and had an entire episode about DACA. It seems like Dborik is in the country illegally and he is pissed as hell that Trump has initiated an executive order against the children arrogantly brought in this country to be fake Americans. Dborik and Nash have made millions form their YouTube channels and David Dborik had been getting pressure form fellow DACA dream amnesty youthful fans to come out and hammer the president about his overturning of the Obama Hussein illegal move to make so many illegals citizens with the stroke of a pen. Dobrik is rightfully worried that all his money will be confiscated and he will be deported back to Slovakia where he belongs and he will have a hard time replicating the fortunes on-line that he has been able to do with America and perhaps he should take the forty something year ol Jason Nash with him. Dborik's vlogs consist of him and his friends messing with one another and especially this jackass Nash and Davis Dborik never gets political, However he is so pissed off at President Trump that the phenomenon known as David Dborik is thinking about maybe running against Trump in 2020 and may just pick this fool Nash to be his running mate.
Dborik is horrified how assimilated he has become and they are still giving him a hard time and he wonders how they treat the average fruit picker peon that are in the country illegally and Dave is upset and wants his fans to support him by writing their congressmen and buying his products. Dborki and Nash concluded the podcast by going to the Springfield  Mall and looking up the local girls and tell them how much money they make by having one of the most popular podcasts and YouTube channels out there after amassing 14 million fans through Vine and then pairing with this aged neurotic actor Nash and hanging with fellow friends. Trumps reversal of DACA threatens the economic engine that David Dborik has amassed and he may be a waiter in Central Europe by the age of thirty having blown and doped out his fortunes squandering it on dope and booze hanging around Hollywood trash. Some though see a different pathway that this guy can go and the number of debates and arguments about this clown sudden fame and whether he will build upon it has been heated in our office.
David Dborik is a twenty yea rold  self-made millionaire and he is not going to let some old troll like Trump send him back in exile and take his nobility title away form him and all the fun and jingle he makes gagging with his friends. Slovakia's and Chicago's own David Dborik is ;likely to be president becoming the first foreign-born president of the United States as with fellow Central European Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mr Dborik will ride his fame and get involved int he celebrity political game.

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