YouTube obscure hosts Dr Steve Turley and communist British bastard Russel Brand have totally different viewpoints of Austrian election

Sebastian Salvador
   The Austrian election was a major swing towards the right and nationalism as years of EU open borders has irritated citizens in Austria to elect a right-winger who will attack illegal immigration coming into the country from the Middle East and Africa. Two obscure YouTube hosts have different opinions of this important election as Dr Steve Turley is elated while some shithead turkey Chev Guevara  wannabee named Russel brand is worried about this Nazi.
The leftist anarchist Brand called this election deplorable and brought alot of fancy words to his podcast. Brand blamed capitalism and the ill effects of a brutal capitalist nature making people want to blame the others withe society instead of the forces making their life difficult but the root cause of the problem is leftists such as Brand wishing to attack all forms of nationalism through their use of open borders which is the real problem.
Turley says the globalists are responsible for the Austrian election of Sebastian Kurz and unlimited migration of people not willing to adapt and basilica trying to form their old countries sin enclaves within new countries and there is responsible backlash needed to prevent a take over of ones own culture.
Brand hates the nation-state and thinks it is a unnecessary construct but again there is not Europeans moving and enforcing their culture in Iran and South Korea and basically it is leftists like Brand wishing to push migrations of others to attack the nation state and capitalism connection to this economic interest. Russell Brand went on to bash the new Austrian leader for attempting to ban Muslim clothing and saying that calls against outlawing wear is unpractical and offensive never minding that it is required for one gender to be hidden form view and totally have their humanity taken away in public in this silly religions prude offensive nature against women. Unlike Turly this scumbag Brand is someone who doesn't treasure European liberties and freedoms but instead respects and  feels happy with the intolerance cloaked in Hijabis and Burkhas and othner forms of disgusting Islamic garb. His attitude and those of the infidel Muslims is exacly why so many European voters are crossing and moving towards the right.

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