Mark DIce appears on Bill O'Reilly's internet program to discuss his new book and fake news

Rex Reed Jr
   Some months after being displaced off Fox News Bill O'Reilly has started his own YouTube and internet webzine interviewing the likes of Mark Dice who already is a major presence of all conspiracy and alternative news and critique internet universe. Mark Dice went on to say all media is filled with thousands of views and channels and it is a mess which he didn't mention his own mass is a aaprt of confusing people on the real objectives and news put forth by the public. Mark Dice went on to tell Bill O'Reilly CNN and MSNBC are fake news outlets and filled with bias agendas and of which Bill O' Reilly mentioned that Fox news and himself has been accused.

Bill asked Mark whether personal reflections should be allowed to be expressed and this is the question we need to remind ourselves when watching both mainstream and other media programs on cable or YouTube. While watching this interview its hard to tell if Mark Dice's popularity is growing and stardom increasing or if Bill O' Reilly has fallen from the world of mainstream to interviewing clowns like Mark Dice who are master manipulators of additional confusion and apprehension put forth. Dice has a point that mainstream media does try to create their own narrative with Russian influence while ignoring European,Gulf oil state,South American and Canadian elite money and influence into our politics and culture pushing hyping the idea that sexually twisted and gender confuse individuals are serious local political candidates. Dice went also to bash the technocrats at YouTube,Facebook, and twitter for using its platforms for pushing and suppressing news they wish to see out on their platforms. Mark Dice and other internet trolls did help to expose the fake news pushing the candidacy of corrupt Hillary Clinton as she and her husband helped bring about the casinoificaiton of our country and economy allowing international money launderers to stay in America and put forth their money into the dirty system legally and exposure to this help make the race close and eventually for Trump to win despite the more numerous voting total of Hillary Clinton.
A vote total advantage this old witch received mainly through deceive  of the bought fake balanced mainstream media as whom half of her voters were likely illegal aliens, voters on take and part of the corrupt media system that stole so many votes away form Donald Trump just through their bogus reporting alone.

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