Professor Michael Munger takes on colleagues book written by professor Nancy MacLean

Leonardo McGregor
Professor Michael Munger was interested in reading a book forma  colleague and found a note he researched for himself that Nancy MacLean had written in spoken form concerning a comment made by a University professor. Michael Munger was flabbergasted when upon researching the quote he found no footnote or factual based account eh expression was ever actually said the quote was admitted by professor Nancy MacLean has never actually taken place.
Yet the woman writes it to make the reader think of such took place in her book "Democracy In Chains" which Michael Munger ripped to shreds recently on-line for this and other deceiving characteristics and more typical academic left-wing nonsense as this book attempts to establish a narrative of this Nancy as higher education being a network to-re-establish repressive plutocratic society rule by oligarchs. Professor Nancy MacLean of Duke University makes up italicize comments in first person and the whole book is a speculation written work and as Munger suggested needs to be in the fiction department and declared as such type of writing. Nancy and other academics didn't  like it that Buchanan bashed public education and hee book highlights  lies besmirching president Buchanan's alternative views tgat fifteen president held about public education. As with many revisionists she seeks to discredit and call out a 29 century  one term president  as a racist as many liberals hold in contempt indeed for  all president's before Obama Hussein.
This old womans book is pure fiction and speculation something about president Buchanan being an advocate for segregation at times when blacks were still held in bondage is completely ludicrous. This woman's decoding this  bland past presidents writings into her own thinking of what this man was attempting to do by establishing a plutocracy in America which back then America had already had one that controlled politics and institutions and continues to this day. As professor of political Science,  Michael Munger points out in his critique of this womans book there is nothing of shrewdness evidence in it that she claims about the agenda of the Buchanan presidency.
This woman is a modern far-left progressive and seeks any racial identity code of any writings of dead presidents as she seeks to tarnish and declare new history based on her brain form writings she knows little detail about and seeks to distort into her modern ideology and Munger says his Duke university's colleague attack on  Buchanan's past support for school vouchers is an attack on
  emotion of individual liberty.

Editors note:
Randolph Perkins

Ahhhh this woman's book was about an economist in 20th century and not the fifteenth president as Leanardo didn't bother to lookmore into the book this woman  fellow Dukev professor  of Michael Munger

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