Stephen A Crockett Jr upset at former congressman Joe Walsh free speech and right to criticize Marshawn Luynch

   Ed West writer Stephan Crockett Jr was very upset along with some other Twitter users after Illinois congressmen Joe Walsh blasted Oakland Raider Marshawn Lynch for standing at the Mexican national anthem while sitting for the American playing during a recent game in Mexico City. The ungrateful Negro Marshawn Lynch is free to move and play soccer in mexico anytime and for this son of a bitch to do this egregious disrespect for the flag shows the deranged mentality of many of thes ethugs in the National Football league who hate this country so despite its offering of high incomes and livings for smashing into others.
How the National Football league doesn't suspend this man for a few games is beyond the most basic National Football league fans mind and the actions of many of the players in darkening the game and league this year must be some deliberate plot to destroy the league and fanbase. Eventually the owners are going to have to start vetting some of these thugs out of the sport much like COlin Kapernick and making the league more white and Polynesian or something because these disgruntled member sof the black race and thneir presence in the game is killing the sport.
crockett is an asshole and if he saw his black pride disrespected at some school assembt honoring Black history month or George Washington Carver tributes at a school with white students turning their back at the required attendance assembly sure Corckett Jr and Marshawn would be angered like a bull hit on the head. What really set fuck face Stephan Crocktt Jr of propaganda Black Lives matter more webzine though was former congressmen Joe Walsh questioning the educational level of MarShawn and Crockett Jr was quick to defend it saying Lynch got a degree.
If Crockett Junior thinks Marshawn earned that degree and he likely spent four times of his collegiate career reading X and Os in a lockerroom instead of reading Philosophy and taking actual advanced courses then this moron Stephan Crockett is stupider than he looks in his twitter piuc. Joe Walsh has free speech and the right to tweet questioning the brian drian coming form this NFL veterans with a head that has been smashed more than Thanksgiving potatoes.

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