Tomi Lahren shreads Colin Kapernick with a Photoshop image and gets attacked on twitter

Oscar Orton
   Colin Kapernick has opened himself up to criticism through his failure to respect his country or those serving for the freedoms for him to read play books all day instead of religious text from the evil Koran. Kapernicjk though now has little to worry about ever reading National Football league playbooks and many have mocked the  stupidity of this one player to wage war on the fans, Sports owners,  he league, and veterans in this country and the right-wing continues to tear into this mans ass long after he has already been black-balled and will be on no more knee bends on NFL fields.
Media pundit Tomi Lahren put out a picture of World war II soldiers with Kapernick taking a knee and staying in the boat but in actuality turkey shits like Colin Kapernick would of been weeded out and not even on the motor boat invasive force. Colin Kapernick would of been taking a knee in a cell in Fort Leavenworkth for his unreasonable display of cowardice and antagonism and actions of black athletes in the NFL bring validity to why Major League baseball and the NFL didn't even allow black men on the roster as they likely would of pulled antics like this back in the thirties and forties. Once an envision some black NFL player in the forties pulling out a jersey of the flag of Japan over the Chicago Cardinals jersey and I wonder if this obvious signs of disloyalty were pervasive in the black community back then and why they were not permitted to play ball.
The social justice angry side came out and vented their frustration and offense at this picture put out by Tomi Lahren but they should rest assure that if Colin Kapernick was born in the past he would of fled to Canada or been jailed for cowardice and never served the flag he so despises and one needs to wonder if this guy should like immigrate and renounce his citizenship and immigrate elsewhere as so many other Americans every year leave the country of their birth for good. There is nothing holding shits like Colin Kapernick to stay here and not immigrate to their lands of opportunities and maybe Colin can learn rugby and play some Rugby in Austria for the Queensland Reds who just resigned Carmichael Hunt and with a Colin Kapernick they will be front runners for the Gold Cup.

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