Helanie Olen upset at tax cuts for everyone

Ali Muhammed
   Mark Helanie Olen as another pubndit against the trump tax cuts as liberals at constantly jumping on the fact that Trump's plans will only encourage more "tax avoidance' that had already been encouraged and existed under Democratic Party leadership. Helanie Olen refers to one tax group for reverence claiming president Trump's would encourage more tax shelters under his new plan to encourage corporate run around although Helanie Olen's doesn't answer the fact that at least we have al least a president willing to address these issues and has tried to change a tax system complicated in nature that hasn't had reform for some thirty years and is responsible for the massive offshoring of both money and jobs overseas thanks to the plutocrats already established in their economic monopolies.
Helanie Olen wrote a national piece bashing the tax plan making accusations that are not base din fact and just her opinion and the opinion of a bias report made by something called the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Trump's new tax plans are meant to stop the gaming of the tax system that is done form traditionally egregiously high taxes and Helanie Olen just says it will encourage more gaming of the system because she is trying hard along with others to discredit these new tax rules that actually will get tougher on those wishing and attempting to avoid taxes.
Olen's other assertions make no sense as she is upset some can use processing  properties to lower their taxes such as brewery pubs and coffee houses who help gentrify areas while Helane wishes to see doctors, lawyers, accountants, and performing artists have the same right to use properties to expand their networks and professions ignoring the fact many ofn these people are already loaded shit rich and mainly hiore friends and relatives for positions in nheir offices. helanie is a small women given a large voice but needs to be more clear and not speculate allowing policy and progress to move about and change and this woman is nothing but eye candy barely able to be seen above a podium.

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