Hasan Minhaj bombs at White House correspondent dinner and considers a run for White House in 2020 to challenge Donald Trump

Andy Cruz
   Hasan thought he would blow the roof with a set of jokes he was hoping would humiliate president Donald Trump. The Indian propagandist writer for globalist Trevor Noah's program on comedy channel is part of a new wave of comedians and entertainers attempting to use their power to bring about politicians demise and public opinion of one.  Hasan Minhaj's brutal attempt at comedy and use  of it to attack president Trump despite being told not to make his speaking into another series of attacks on Donald Trump as the White House correspondent's dinner has been hijacked by these  provocateur  form other countries and the media. There was nothing funny about Hasan's stupid lines and attacks on Trump and what is obvious is that many of these apolitical late night  hosts is playing before a liberal audience provokes laughter for the likes of Trevor Noah, Stephan Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and others and when they are not playing before a solid liberal audience told and programmed when to laugh these pieces of shit like Hasan Minhaj are likely to bomb as the brown turd did at this correspondent dinner. 
The Muslim propagandist Hasan Minhaj couldn't believe it when no one laughed at his jokes and clearly he didn't realize that perhaps the world is not a progressive bubble ready and paid to laugh at jokes told in a political manner and used to sway public opinion through ridicule that these leftist shits like Daily Show correspondent  Hasan Minhaj use and attack president Trump because they are so fucking scared of the president straightening out unequal] trade deals away form the globalists and corporatists. Hasan can only get laughs mocking those individuals despised by the elite urban audiences and when he is out of that league we see how unfunny and stupid this piece of shit is actually and just a shameless political talking point memo for the left-wing socialist agenda.  Minhaj's bombing was the highlight of 2017 and the hope of globalists using American tax payer money to fund and grow health care industry and costs to the benefit of mainly foreigners is primarily the reason there is such resistance to president Trump form the likes of Indians like Hasan Minhaj who in all reality are about as funny as a sixteenth century genocide religious war in Europe. Hasan was so bad and hates president Trump so much he is thinking about running for president in 2020 but the guy is a jackass and needs to concentrate on his country and the immoral actions of president Nerander Modi and the awful conditions installed by the crony Hindu class upon the masses in this land of his heritage.

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