Baby Bull makes escape from Islamic slaughterhouse in New Jersey and Egyptian society quickly moving away from Islam

Andy Cruz 
  There was some good news that under the leadership of general Sisi in Egypt the Egyptian people are moving away from the wicked religion of Islam as cafes are filled in Cairo of beautiful Egyptian women free of the veil and showing their lovely hair smoking hookah and in some cases actually drinking. For those non-interventionists so mad very sad about the United States involvement in the Middle East (Ben Affleck,Kyle Kulinski, Stephan Colbert, Ali Muhammad)
this is unwelcome news as they wish for radical religious thought and beliefs to be spread. The scary news though is as more and more these Muslims in the Middle East lose power and projection in their own lands many come to the land of religious opportunity and tax break in America. The biggest fear of Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Ladden was that Middle Easterners would actually enjoy life an have nightclubs and Hookah bars all over their cities becoming cosmopolitan great places like Western cities and in this new era of a police strong state the dream a safety  of sanctuary cities free of Islamic terror can
be achieved in this Middle East region that has long been a prison of Islamic terror and evil thought. Many Muslims are outraged at the loss of religion of  their youth in places like Egypt and Algeria and they come to America like the puritans before them to live a more religious freedom lifestyle and this includes setting up slaughter and torture houses for animals.
Muslims are coming to the West because most citizens in the Middle East are no longer tolerating the strict beliefs these nuts try to push to degrade and oppress women and other snot following the Koranic satanic verses and this has been the main objective of resistance of Muslim savage terrorists in this era of globalization and increased opportunity of women around the world. More of a movement to stop animal torture and help the many brave baby bulls fighting off ritualistic torture and killing in eccentric sacrifices demanded by these robed-wearing klansman looking Muslim devils needs to be pushed back against these people and their love of death and producing  animal blood before every meal under guise of their rotten religion.

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