Fuck face David Letterman hit hard with latest sexual harassment allegations

 Bud Cooper
The entertainment industry has seen another influential
performer hit hard and many are wondering if the legacy of former Kate Night legendary host David Letterman is tarnished as several women have cone forward with allegations. David Letterman apparently had a fondness in his years,at both NBC and CBS of harassing and attempting to grope female staffers have this shit fuck hole in his years as host of late night celebrity kiss as programs that were as entertaining as watching a mule take a shot on a rock. David Letterman ego became larger with age and as he got older his filthy mouth and creepy hands became abusive and obtrusive in unwarranted and unwelcome female derriere  attachments.
The ass Letterman though like many entertainers felt entitled to grab buttocks as he performed on a network and in front of an audience and I'm sure if women knew what a sleaze ball this Indiana shut head was it is doubtful he would have amassed any following and it's a shame the allegations against this her didn't come sooner ahh say in 1986. David Letterasshole may actually have had to step down if these women manned up and demanded media time making these allegations back then and the national audience for late night TV could have avoided the transition of  Dave into that political slanted jag fag he would become years later expressing his political viewpoints onto his program that have now become the norm for all these late night slanted and biased hosts. Letterman is a shit who uses his incredible incomes to purchase escorts meeting them first under a Pseudomon named " Larry: and then take them home or his motel room and tries to fuck the shit out of them but goes flat quickly.
However, as he gets older he runs across women in the entertainment industry and as his brain goes butter he forgets these are not regular whores form the internet and comes across as a creepy sexual harasser and is now why he has joined the growing list of fucked up members of the political left being outed as sexual harassers of women.

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