Hal Sparks can't comprehend sexual harassment becasue he is gay

Terry Blue
   Radio legend Hal Sparks is one once a week in and around the country putting his best ability to spread misinformation and push liberal propaganda. Hal Sparks recently jumped in the issue of these powerful men in the media being taken down and he says it si good to see these men held accountable for their actions unlike in the past. Hal Sparks would never tolerate seeing these actions in the workplace and cannot believe it has taken this long for this issue to be now taken as serious as it is in the workplace and he wondered why most of these men now being fired and taken down are ll liberals. Hal has a homo can't or doesn't understand that courtship of the opposite sex often comes about with these charges and surely male on male slutness and come on in the homo bar and communities is shrugged off but not when it comes to courting a heterosexual woman.
Hal Being gay has no understanding of this or that many conservative men by nature are conservative and wouldn't be in a scene alone with a woman not of their wife as Mike Pence got mocked viciously when making these acute observations and principles of his own. Professional phone caller Carl form Nashville called and said the media failed in bringing about a downfall of Donald Trump as he was running for president through the two dozens of women that came forth and declared his sexual in priorities committed against them through the years and Carl sees this current wave as hypocritical taking down columnists and television media host annalists while ignoring the man in the most powerful position of the world. Carl from Nashvile says it is good that the levels are being directed towards these men many of whom need to be taken down from their positions of authority and horrible views and actions readily serving as a warning to other men that their posts can easily be snatched away form them and they will be held responsible for how they think and talk. Both of these men though ignore the fact most of these men taken down will be fellow liberals who hold the same misogynist beliefs these two fools secretly hold but suppress.

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