Ruben Sole almost comes to blows with a fuckface from Iowa while filming his prank videos in Vegas City

Casey Kelso
  Ruben Sole makes amazing videos mainly form tourist spots in Las Vegas where he is tripping on pimp daddies and mama sluts on the sidewalk. This being Las Vegas everything stays there and in one of his videos it becomes serious as Ruben was ready to fight this fat fuckface most likely form Iowa or someplace in the Mid West. This drunk skunk was having none of Rubens comedy and didn't like his approach and when Ruben called this jackass drunk the man threatened to knock Ruben down on the cement. For one of the firs times in his mocking comedic award-winning videos Ruben was the one humiliated and dared the man to knock him out right then and there as Rubens buddy was filming Mr Soles usual street pranks of unsuspecting victims. Reuben is no punk bitch and was not going to let
this fat pig famer gambling on vacation get away callignh ism a fucking freak. Ruben confronted the shit and was ready to go one on one with the great one and make a rare Las Vegas street fighting video instead of his usual comedic wonderful sunny funnies one concerning him touching strangers hands on an escalate asking pimps what kind of weird sex he can get into with the local whores. Ruben ended one of his many great prank videos with this encounter which I am surprised there is not more given the amount of booze and liquor mixing with the stupidity on vacation and hustling the streets of Vegas City.

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