Who cares if Lake Park High school's Samantha Maria Cox is a bad teacher and does a little coke as least she is not sleeping with teen students

ino Frobel
   A young teacher in Lake Central High School was secretly filmed by a stalker student of hers and what was seen in the video was unmistakably the woman snorting coke in between classes. Samantha Maria Cox had a very stressful job in charge of teenagers and trying to make some sense and order in this cyber age of youths addicted to phones and gadgets. What the problem is of her doing a little nose candy I can't see and as long as she was doing an effective job getting students prepared for tests and learning subjects I do not know.
No where have I read also is why this student is not disciplined and taken to juvenile court and why is he filming his young teacher. Many students in this rural backwards armpit of America in our Indiana expressed anger and strong emotions on video of the idea of their teacher doing drugs but half of them likely have done it and what the big deal. The imagery of these little snowflakes criticizing this young woman who must of done coke do to the pressures these shits give people in this profession was amazing as the little snowflakes were loving dissing one of their teachers through the camera of the local media.  what this woman does in her private life does not need to be broadcaster by these shitty teenagers in St John,Indiana who apparently  have nothing else to do and should be concentrating on their schoolbooks and homework than what Samantha Cox puts up her nasal cavity between classes. There are alot more things this teacher could of done worse given the amount of trouble fellow co-hart female teachers of her generation have done wrapping their mouths against the penis and veggies of their students that we see so often the cas especially in fucking North Carolina.

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