Hodge Twins talk about Alexandria Vera slut teacher being knocked up by student

Whitaker Marshal III
   The Hodge twins came on their award winning YouTube program and talked some teacher sex scandal. This is always a favorite topic for many and for the Hodge Twins talking about Alexandria Vera and this bitch getting pregnant  by a thirteen year old student made for an amusing nine minute video. The brothers debated the merits of a student getting their cocked sucked by a grown adult woman and whether this is a bad or good thing for impressionable young minds.
The Twins ate some tacos form Taco John's and debates whether the shit was good all while stating that the thirteen year old must of been a studly rare student able to attract the attention and eyes of this fine large boned Latina bimbo. The Hodge's also  argued about what would  e an appropriate sentence for this woman who received forty years and instead dominant Hodge twin at the left said a six month sentence. Alexandria Vera is a slut and always will be who will be having her last baby form a student but chances are high she will get knocked up a few more times from teenagers of various ages in the upcoming decade or until the woman becomes old and ugly where no teenager would be willing to touch and hit it anymore. The Hodges went back to discussing whether Taco Bell or Taco John s has crispier taco dishes and why John's sells lame tater tots as a side .

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