How Catalonia's drive for Indpendence can be emulated by Native Americans

Runs Like Cougar
   Catalonians are demanding independence and separation and as an American Native activist the drive for independence for Native Americans should copy the plan of this Spanish region and others demanding social justice and independence. All Native Americans need to support the Catalonia drive and put forth attempts for independence for indigenous people and for control of resources and demand for greater autonomy for the tribal lands as this is the only way Native Americans can finally achieve some outsiders seem to enjoy form casinos dotting tribal lands. Catalonia is a region that is feeling it is being exploited form corrupt rotten central authority control and Native Americans are starting to feel the same way as the leadership and control form Washington is not having Indian reservations land and future potential for economic sustainability and growth in its best interest. independent  rule for  Native Americans means independent deals can be struck with sovereign nations and this inability best describes the stagnation Native Americans see and despair for their plot and in many ways seeing other peoples fight and demand autonomy in places around the world
should aspire Native Americans to follow  and the sudden rise of the pro indepdencia movement in Catalonia inspires many people in North America as the only ultimate solution for indigenous peoples increased awareness and role in the world. Trade deals could be established for Americas independent Native republics and countries like China that would help Native Americans and foreign countries develop together and increase opportunities that have long been held back for Native Americas in the current status quo. Like the old Spanish empire and the decaying pathetic surviving country called Spain today and eventually American empire will fold and fall opening opportunities for eventual Native nations to strive and make its mark on this continent. Sooner or later the indigenous people will make their voices cry out and end this reservation enforced enbvironment many find themselves stuick in and without a nation or voice of their own in the international community and jow many eventual Native Nations can arise form the ashes of empire and the neo-liberalistic domination form Washington,Wall Street,  and California will be unfolded someday and answered.

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