Left Nurse Shark attacks newlewed and nealry tears her arm apart

Lonnie Yeager
In rural coastal South Carolina people think it is OK to swim in a resort with Nurse sharks and for poor Sarah Carrol it almost cost her an arm and a leg. As her pussy husband was watching and filming a brutal Nurse Shark made a lunge and took a huge bite out of this young woman's are and for this resort to lie to its guests and say a nurse shark is not dangerous should open this resorts to lawsuits. A Left Nurse shark is not a fish to play with and how this sea beast was thrown in some sort of swimming tourist attraction is amazingly dumb as either the resort or Sarah and Evan Carrol are dumb a s a brick not realizing any shark snaggle-tooth left shark can be dangerous to be around. Swimming resorts need to be put in the same category with Ringling Brothers and Barnum circus and in no way should this woman or anyone ever be in a tank filed with any razor-toothed hungry sharks that usually bite for an existence and use their teeth often to feel something it finds curious.
This young woman heard a swoosh and felt a tangling of her arm thinking at first it was a practical joke but instead it was a joke on her form a left shark species of Nurse shark, which should not be confused as some harmless benevolent creature of the deep blue. Why are any left sharks held captive for the amusement of swimmers wasting corporate spending to so much  time in resorts is not known and for poor Sarah not really funny leaving her with tremendous medical bills as medical staff worked profusely to save this dingbats arm because she wanted to swim with wild creatures. The Nurse shark is no mermaid and has Sarah's husbands video proved the shark can take a nibble if it is curious. This young lady is lucky the resort didn't tell her Tiger or Lemon Sharks are safe as well and if this was one of the bigger baddest   sharks this young woman would not have been around to tell this fishy tale and recount her and her husbands stupidity believing in the security of underwater swimming in this resort.

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