Jim Corbett and Vince Armani talk about power, the state ,property, violence, and sex with robots and sheep as they bash the Angry Ram

Mitch Welch
 Internet alternative sensations James Corbett and Vin Armani combined their yak talent and ability doing a program with each other talking about the system and how systems of wealth distribution evolved. Vin Armani and James Corbett discussed a variety of topics including self-ownership and how the corporatists and trying to lay claim and make up fake value of your data into the new resource to be round up and decided should be valuable ahh like fine art and old wine.
Corbett and Armani talked about how the state is the modern feudal nobility class as they can basically take peoples properties and lay claim through ownership of our thoughts and own economic suffering and this is the basis of the state today. Armani and Corbett talked about how violence is used by the state and inter-species violence in the animal world can be seen with bighorn sheep battling each other for their own version of property rights dispute and both talked of their admiration for fellow YouTube star Angry Ram and his many videos on the internet.
Both Vin Armani and James Corbett would prefer sex with a sheep or a sex robot than one of their own kind. Armani was shocked how a sex robot topic was censored out of YouTube as Armani wondered about a woman's argument sex robots were the subjugation of a robot while Armani made a snide comment it was the degradation of objects. Armani talked of property rights and whether this will be extended to the ownership of female sex slave robots and whether people will try to come in  and prevent this subjugation.
Vin Armani was obsessed with ram talk and his love to watch ram battles and the great and cute Angry Ram on YouTube and the process of Rams deciding to butt heads is about the same as humanity fighting for decision of who is the rightful owner whether it is a battle on a battlefield or a courtroom. Vincent Armani both wants a hot fmale sex robot and to have the right to get procession of a ram and pit on a condom and pretty much do what generations of Eastern and Southern European males have done for milleials and that is to feel the power of a ram.

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