Jim Nabors is dead

Rex Reed Jr
    American television and folklore singer Jim Nabors is dead and Jim Nabors will always be remembered for his role as Gomer Pyle and this basically is his second name. Jim Nabors was on the Andy Griffith show for years before being rewarded with his own spin-off television program where the simple-minded Gomer played a fresh raw recruit for the Marines. This show was before my time and I couldn't stand five seconds on the sight of the Gomer character but man was he a good singer. This dweeb just should of been a croner and never go into television comedic acting.

Jim Nabors may have been another Frank Sinatra had he been a hetrosexual and not make the career crushing decision to be labeled as a dumb as a brick character in black and white television programs as he will always be known for instead of his real natural talent. The mainstream media will always insist that Gomer was unworldly lovable but whether polls were done to justify this claim clearly and doubtful were ever done. The best thing about the gomer character was that decades later another Gomer character would have a major impact in film and the imagination of millions in the movie Full Metal Jacket and the fact that another gomer would take unnatural abuse from a drill Sargent.
God I love that movie and the fat slob Gomer Pyle of that movie replacing forever the thought and interaction people have inb thought and association with the thought of the name Gomer Pyle. Yes Sir . May I have another Sir.

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