Jim Hightower appears on Ralph Nadar's podcast talking about robots replacing workers and tries to recruit Ralph for a ticket in 2020 and to dethrone Donald Grump form the White House

Leroy Yates
  Jim Hghtower is crazier that a meth head raccoon and Jim tried to recruit Ralph for a movement into fighting against the technocrats and their plans to replace workers,including sex workers, with robots. Jim and Ralph wondered who will buy products and objects created and Hightower and Nadar wondered if these plutocrats eventual have a plan to replace the mass of humanity with robots and dinosaur type machines. Truckers are fucked as Hightower said and the fact people will not have a living only points out a Detroit and New Orleans slum lifestyle for the rest of us. The Texas pundit tried to explain how we need to reach the public of this plan and need for action in stopping this plan and perhaps people are so brain dead they will only notice when robots start replacing their favorite comedians in stand up rituals of political talk on network late night television.
Jim Hightower and Ralph Nadar may be a dream ticket in 2020 both running together on a third party ticket maybe the Green Party. The only way to stop the robot take over of the economy will be to field strong candidates to defeat the corporate president in Donald Trump in 2020.
Never Mind Ralph Nadar failed miserably back in the day and garnered two percent of the vote in 2000. Jim Hightower running on top of a third party candidacy would be lucky to win one state  in Texas which he couldn't win once running for Governor as Ralph made mention in their recent interview. Both of these men though declared the coming robot invasion is coming and will be sudden and dramatic perhaps enslaving humanity quicker than a crow will pick up a squirrel carcus. Jim mentioned to Ralph that these n ew robots are not our grandfathers robots as robots are quickly learning intelligence and language and will decide old coots like Jim and Ralph need no longer be around talking to one another on a microphone.

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