Arby's BBW merger another desperate attempt of corporate restaurant industry to remain dominate and prevent independent unique eateries from thriving

Chuck Woodruff
   The merger and acquisition of Arby's with awful strip mall and construction excuses Buffalo Wild Wings is just another sign of how the corporatists merge and acquire one another to leverage their debt. Capitalism especially in the cruddy chain restaurant industry exists mainly to serve and increase debt allowances purchasing fancy furniture and television monitors while helping out connected construction companies create work and growth of more chains and destroying mom and pop independent establishments. Buffalo Wild Wings is a cruddy boring cookie cutter business and the fake news and popularity of this eatery that has helped destroy so many other smaller bars and diners is the real goal of the investing classes as the demise of affordable and cheap eats and ruin places was always the ultimate goal of the capitalist monopolists restaurant industry who use their advantages of scale to destroy mom and pop bars and eateries. Perhaps no other corporate eatery venture has been more aggressive and egregious in taking over that shitty Buffalo Wild Wings that offers as much as a unique hip setting and experience as a highway rest stop.
This Combination is another attempt by big corporate eateries to hold up land space preventing the Middle Class business owner and mom and pop and cheap bar alternatives to be able to compete for the public. The massive debt allowances by investors given to establishments like BBW and other ones they know can afford advertising rates for monopolistic media is the ultimate goal and when money gets tight the mergers and acquisitions are a financial game to continue the corporate restaurant and fraudulent  attack upon the competitors and independents in this country.

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