Morning Joe scumbag Scarborugh was a political congressmen big wig back in the day and a young beautiful woman named Lori Klausutis mysteriously died when supposedly the young arrogant congressmen was out of his office and conveniently out of town. New calls for the death of this woman are being called for as back then a powerful congressmen could use his influential power to close the case and determine the death was an accident as this in shape woman would just fall on her ass and hit hear head. Many people back in the day questioned this death by desk illusion set forth by Morning madman the eccentric and neurotic TV host we all hate to see and hear named Joe Scarborough

Morning Joe felt secure that under a Democrat administration this crime would still be suppressed but in President's Trump war against the anti-American and foreign funded media Joe Scarborough had personal fear and issues of a trump administration. Backers of Scumbag Morning Joe often repeat that the medical examiner quickly determined that the death was an accidental but should people really believe that one examination should represent the total view and why were not other medical examiners called in to confirm this and why wouldn't it be given the sensitive location and role of this woman in a political office. The woman likely was struggled down and groped attacked at her desk which could account more for if she did die from hitting her head on a desk in an office and this whole case and the quick determination of it as an accident proof of possible complicity of a cover up to the death of a young woman in a politicians office.
Justice will eventually come for Lori Klausutis and make no mistake id scummy Scarborough is complicate in this case the truth will be told and in my mind and the mind of many this guy is about as guilty as fuck given the unconscionable insanity this man appears to have in his insane verbiage and garbage that spills form this mans mouth on a daily basis as host of a morning show on MSNBC. Further evidence left-leaning backers of Joe Scarborough are claims that Lori made to a colleague that she didn't feel well that morning as this is some evidence of non-guilt and who was the fellow office worker who made this claim and were they using it to cover up a crime they were involved with in killing Miss Klausutis along with former GOP congressmen and now paid political hack Joe Scarborough? There is little doubt I believe this woman was murdered in this congressman's office fighting off a sexual advance that the entitled young congressmen in a position of authority and power felt confident to make and hopefully this full exposure and injustice for Lori will be resolved and Joe Scarborough will finally be brought to answer these sex crimes and attacks against women.
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