Henry Giroux and Peter Mclarlan an attack on American democracy

 Ed West
  Fake foreign scholars like Peter McFarlan and Henry Giroux are an attack on American democracy and more Canadian and French meddling of the political affairs of this nation. These two sick rat bastards of academia work tenaciously to spread their fountains of misinformation and misleading news on President Trump and the new goals of his administration necessary to be carried out by demand of the will of the voters that elected this man into the White House.
The amount of lies Hitler references and fascist terms made by both of these  nimrod professors bias with a political stance and as foreigners these men should have little say of anything to do with American politics, By far the most vocal amount of attacks and critics of president Trump has been from the crowd under foreign influence much from EU and our Northern neighbor desperate to fight back against demands they take a more fairer stance and pay more for their own militaries thus costing the elites and government insider more than in the past . For the likes of Henry Giroux and Peter Mclaren American exceptionalism is fascism and any international policy decision and movement by this country is seen as an attack on the rest of the global village of which these two men belong and proselyte to in their leftist fascist idealism they seek to promote. For the neo-globalist fascists and their paid scholar hacks like these two shits any embolden move by a politician that is pro-American is seen as a threat and a move to call out fascism of the person and for the Frenchmen Giroux and Canadian  McLaren.
To Giroux any critique of socialist and left-dominance of academia is an attack and anti-intellectualism despite the fact that academia exists to brainwash students toward their preferred ideology and Republicans and the right are just calling out the perverse dictations of these mad professors like these two odd glasses wearing clowns whose only purpose is to serve the progressive and socialist  movements globally and destroying the power structure that doesn't  share their visions of social responsibility. The constant reference by these two assholes  to Roy Moore as a sexual predator just in time for a crucial senate seat  election has nothing to do with the horrid views these two  women have as they only claim misogyny on one political side ignoring the multitudes of sexual predation that usually come form a liberal Democratic side of politics being more open to these actions and aggressiveness towards the opposite sex in a promiscuous  vision and hope liberal males hold for ones self compared to conservative politicians. McLaren and Giroux often speak of American violence and gun attacks only focusing on the rare spree mass white shooter instead of the more numerous street criminality of their precious Black constituents that account for the mass violence and shootings seen in this country.
As these  when  criminals are apprehended these two professor swill vehemently attack the prison industrial complex that is a response form the public to these endless violence being committed by deranged urban youth. A violence that is spread in part of the crazed racial identity rhetoric of the likes of Giroux and McLaren who safely can avoid being global citizens outside the reaches of Americas complex increasing crime rises through such nonsense and talk  of the more numerous street criminality of their precious Black constituents that account for the mass violence and shootings seen in this country.  In these two jerks minds the transition of democracy and change form administrations  is an attack on democracy because Trump seeks to change Obamas agendas and goals and the real undemocratic values bein g promoted or the visions of misinformation form "scholars" like Henry Giroux and peter McLaren whose re objectives are spreading hatred towards Americans own government over the course of natural transitions that come form Democratic principles and changes in election cycles. Henry Giroux and Peter McLaren are the true fascists aide form the dweebs that always have been and always will be serving the socialist goals of the progressive redistributive global vision

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