Disgraced sexual harasser Black John Conyers retires form office and pushes neoptism for his son to take ove his life long Democratic Party political office and considers a run against predient Trump for the White House in 2020

Larry Frost
   John Conyers was a lifelong typical black Democrat who used his position of power to sexually harass and rape women while serving as a member of congress. The disgusting roach Conyers recently had recently been forced to resign as more information of his perverted actions were brought to life with no longer a Democratic presidential terror regime controlling America and the black son of a bitch was typical of a lifelong politician doing little in his time aside from using it to attack and harass members of the oopposite sex.
John  Conyers was typical of the crowd backing Hillary Clinton and the amount of resistance by many in the left, congress, media, and politics to president Trump can be seen by their feat of Trump going after and not respecting or protecting their rights to abuse women and having it covered up by Democratic insiders.
Mr Conyers would attack women in elevators and often had women in his office shocked upon sight of him undressing and exposing his little old cock and why it took so long for these allegations and accusations to be reported is clear indication of the mainstream media not doing its job and protecting the vile conduct of black politicians like John Conyers. John Conyers is grooming his son to take his spot as Democrat often wish to see neopitism and preferred treatment for their own offspring granted and whether the drugged out constituents  of Detroit would except this in not determined as of this time.
Conyers junior likely would continue his fathers legacy of corruption and serving time running his office as a personal ATM for himself and his family. John Conyers son often took out government vehicles to drive around the massive sprawl of Detroit for crack and rpa concerts. There are persistent rumors though John Conyers Sr will run for the White House as he has been another vocal critic of president Trump disdaining him and the Republican Party for investigating the office and sexual
accusations against John Conyers through the decades of his inept and awful public serve Mr Conyers thinks is not tainted despite his many many misconduct allegations. John Conyers if elected would be the Black American as president but our polling and data puts his chances of defeating president Trump at .00056% and he has a better chance of being dog catcher commissioner than president of the United States or yet alone mayor of Detroit. With the amount of stray dogs though in beautiful Detroit let loose by the productive black citizenry though Mr Conyers would be busty in his golden years. I think a better alternative for Mr Conyers and Junior would be a reality TV show or even a scripted one much like Sanford and Son and it could be called Conyers and Son perhaps even a remake of the classic seventies program starring Red Foxx.

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