Fat Fool Kim Jung Un angered by US South Korean war games and there is nothing he can do about it

Jason Fool
   Kim Jung In is a piece of shit dictator of North Korea often admired by Western leftists for his stance and ability to be a thorn on the side if not pawn of the American military industrial complex. This is a fat little boy who could only gain power by running the most ruthless form of government today inheriting a sport based on family genealogy and no real mark of talent and why the average North Korean hasn't risen up is an indication of the weakness and lack of spine of these people.
Kim Jung In We believes exists for potential markets and justifications for massive Western military spending and this is likely the reason  he has never been taken out as clearly if any intelligence figured this man was a threat they already would have done so by now.  Kim Jung Un needs to realize the combat exercises demonstrate the South Korean and American bombers are not his grandfathers bombers and cannot be shot down like in North Vietnam or the first Korean war. The military exercises are staged to express to this fat fool  the full power of the alliance and whether the fool realizes this is a sign towards brokering a peaceful resolution instead of his further escalation of words. Kim Jung in can do little about the increase military provocation of America and South Korea rightfully preparing for the eventual day they need to use and justify these war games to take out a creep who hoards food for himself and his cronies and rations few for the citizens of North Korea as he pushes them to remain weak and dependent on the government working for small rotten potatoes and peanuts for the profits and gains in missile  development. Sooner or late these exercises will become reality and this is the night mare this fool Kim Jung Un has often during the night as he knows time is sticking on his gig

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