Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert illiustrate lack of competent workers as recent videos show are proof of Americas decline and opioid addictions

Neil Knight
  The pictures were not funny coming form the viral world of the internet and Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert brought up one in a recent episode of the award-wining alternative YouTube channel often taking aim at Western capitalism and the banking industry. The amount of stagnation and low-wage jobs created by the American economy is putting a show and realization of the many drugged put low-class people working these jobs as Max and Stacy spoke of a video where a gas station attendant was napping in fro  o f the register. Two women working in this California gas market were so fucked up and typical as village and local governments bow to the energy companies increasing the amount  for these over-size but under-staffed gas stations.
All the growth and new construction in may parts of the suburbs, rural area, and exburbs  of these eye sore ugly gas station markets  and their creation strategic placement is an intended by product of spreading inequality pushing the market values of urban city-cores skyrocketing. The devaluation of the non-central cores is a by product and fact that urban  specialized zones are free of the abuse of the energy conglomerates.
You cannot even find a environmentally degrading and disgusting visual of a gas station mart( even small ones) rarely in these vibrant hipster downtowns. The ritzy downtowns a have become Mariott Motels in their own right with suits people while the bumns,thugs, homeless, drug addicts get pushed out into Middle America and small towns to bring down the value o their properties and so forth.
   Much of the people outside of the city core and economy tailored out of debt for the corporate class are stuck with dead end jobs that pay nothing and the result will be more workers so tired sleeping working at these fast food and gas station business. Another video surfaced of a confrontation at a Burger King where a woman filmed an abusive manager and these are the types of workers inequality produces and you get when only offering low-wages to represent your company and this is the point Max and Stacy have brought upon often on their collapse program.

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